The goal is to provide 1,000 local children with winter coats, boots, shoes, socks, and underwear. See how Bowl 4 Kids helps raise money for the Port Huron Old Newsboys to make it reality.

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Alyssa Paynter- The Port Huron old newsboys, is bringing this classic and retro sport to light with their event bowl for kids.

 Mary Meadows- Port Huron old newsboys is a nonprofit organization that’s been established for almost a 100 years we’re coming up on our 100 year mark and what we do is provide shoes boots socks underwear and winter coats for children ages 4 to 13 and you have to live in St Clair County area and we do a thousand children at this time a year this is an important event to me because do it helps our community and that’s what we’re about helping the young people in our community because we don’t know how much this means we’re building children’s self-esteem we’re keeping them from being bullied because they’re not properly just we’re also allowing them to be outside with the shoes and boots and the coat where if they didn’t have that they would stay inside which draws attention to them while they’re in school so we’re trying to help make their life as normal as POS possible.

 Colleen Johnson- I used to be a recipient of the old newsboys when I was younger. I really didn’t understand what it was about; I just knew that we were going there to get shoes, socks, boots, coats, underwear, and t-shirts. And so now that I am of age and can reach out a hand to help, that is why I joined.

 Steve Fernandez- The cost is a $20 uh fee and that gets you two games of bowling and one pair of shoes rent shoe rental and uh you get to spend the afternoon with us having a good time we’ve got a raffle going with uh very nice prizes uh for $10 each and then we’re also selling bowling tickets and and trying to raise money through gift baskets too just just to offset the shortfall that we’ve experienced this year with you know everybody’s facing tough times or economic headwind so it’s a little harder to raise funds but this is a fun way to do a fundraising event and give people something funded to do with their family a lot of volunteer hours a lot of hard work but but at the end of the day if we can make a difference in 1,000 children’s lives this year it’s kind of like being Santa Claus in a way.

 Mary Meadows- All money donated in St. Clair County stays in St. Clair County. There’s a variety of ways you can donate. You can donate to Community Foundation in our name. You can also mail us a check to old newsboys. You can also donate in boxes that are at country style markets and in different various areas in Port Huron.

 Alyssa Paynter- Don’t forget that donations made work all year around to help those in our community for Thumb Coast TV. I’m Alyssa Paynter.