The SC4 Foundation recently held a reception to thank the college’s donors and honor students. Harold Burns, Chairman of the foundation said, “for 56 years the foundation has worked with the college to help students achieve their goals.” The event was highlighted when one of the recipients of a scholarship, Jessica Bohm, a 3 sport athlete,  spoke and thanked the group for being awarded the Ellen Kean Scholarship. She said, “I am incredibly honored and grateful to have been selected as a scholarship recipient of the SC4 Foundation.” She continued, “[the scholarship] has eased the financial burden my family and I face as I pursue my degree.” One of the donors also spoke at the event. Dave Sheldon, donor and faculty member said, “The Jinny and Bill Sheldon Endowed Scholarship for Education was founded in honor of his parents, and their lifelong support of education.” He added, “providing financial assistance and support to students is so important…a degree from SC4 can transform a life.” The reception took place at the SC4 Experience Center’s Dr. Bassam H. Nasr Natural Science Museum.