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The 4th of July holiday can be a fun time for family and friends with cookouts and getting together to watch fireworks shows or a variety of outdoor activities. Sometimes though our four legged friends can get sidelined in all of the excitement. On their Facebook page the Blue Water Area Humane Society shared a few tips on how to help your pet enjoy the holiday festivities along with you. Did you know that more pets get lost on July 4th than any other day of the year? Be sure your pet has his collar on with an up-to-date ID, and keep a current photo of your pet. Also, try to exercise your pet early in the day before the party begins, and during cookouts ask guests to play with your dog or cat to keep them distracted involving them in the event. Be sure to clean up fireworks so your pup doesn’t try to eat anything she shouldn’t. Maybe play music, turn fans on, and create ambient noise to keep your pet distracted, or give them a favorite dog treat to praise good behavior. Whatever you do, remember your pet sees the world different than you do, so help him by making the 4th a positive experience.