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The Black River Film Society was recently created by local individuals with these interests to help consolidate and promote all of the Blue Water Areas film screenings, premieres, workshops, festivals and special events. The group’s signature event that prompted the formation of the Society is the Desmond District Demons film festival held each fall at Sperry’s Moviehouse. Tonight, the group is expanding its offerings to outdoor movies. Tyler Moldovan, Founder of the Black River Film Society said the idea, “came about because the group found many events for families,” in the area with outdoor movies, but wanted a venue catered to young professionals and those looking for a kid-free atmosphere. Moldovan also said that the group sees the “film society as an extension of the Desmond District Demons event in an effort to get people more interested in independent films in the area.” The group is inviting residents to head to downtown Port Huron this evening to take part in the first outdoor screening along the Black River for free. The showing will take place this evening at 8:30 p.m. in the River Street Marina park showing ‘O Brother Where Art Thou. If you plan to head out to the event, go prepared with a chair or blanket. For more information, you can find the Black River Film Society on Facebook.