Yesterday marked Super Tuesday in the United States-the first big primary election day after the four early nominating states. As Michigan’s primaries draw near on March 10, many have already cast votes via absentee ballots. As of Wednesday, February 27, the Secretary of State reported that almost 777,700 absentee ballots had been sent to voters, with almost 387,000 ballots already turned in. However, some may be wanting to get those ballots back.
With the high number of absentee voting and ballots that have already been turned in, it’s likely many local residents cast votes for candidates that have now dropped out. Ahead of Super Tuesday, Democrats Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg announced they were suspending their respective bids for the democratic nomination. Can those votes be changed? The answer is yes.
According to the Michigan Secretary of State, if a voter has already voted absentee and wishes to change their vote, the ballot can be spoiled by submitting a written request to their city or township clerk. The voter must sign the request and state if they would like a new absentee ballot mailed to them or if they will vote at the polls. This request must be received by 2 p.m. the Saturday before the election if received by mail. An absentee ballot may also be spoiled in person at the clerk’s office until 4 p.m. the Monday prior to the election. The voter can obtain a new absentee ballot there or vote at the polls. There is no option on Election Day to spoil an absentee ballot that has been received by the clerk.