Fear not, local homeowners, those leaves will get picked up eventually. Janice Rendflesh of Emterra Environmental USA spoke to us about the leaf pickup status in the Blue Water Area. Emterra is contracted with Port Huron, Marine City, and Marysville for trash, recycling, and yard waste pickup. She said that the local Operations Team with Emterra is working hard to get to all the leaves. They do three passes through the city and they are currently on their third pass. She assured us that they are working hard to get it done and they won’t stop until all the streets are covered. Ms. Rendflesh said the timing of the pickup is dependent upon weather conditions and this year has not been ideal. As to where all those leaves go, she said Emterra sends them to a composting facility; she wasn’t sure which one. Compost facilities in Michigan are licensed by the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy. Sometimes the leaves and clippings are mixed with other compostable materials and turned into compost that is used in local agriculture. If your leaves are not picked up during this last pass of the season, make sure to call your local municipality to let them know.