Artists pair with the small businesses in the St. Clair Riverview Plaza to show off their works. See some of the artwork and learn how the fundraiser helps the stores that incurred damage during this summer’s storms.

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Cailin Williams- The artwalk at the River Plaza is to support the damages done to the St. Clair Art Association and to support local artists.

Heather Vernhardt- We um at the plaza here, we suffered some major damage right this summer from a storm, so a lot of the businesses have been closed, and uh the Art Association got really just decimated, so we started this as a fundraiser. fundraiser there’s an artist in the different participating businesses, and then they each uh donated a piece of their art uh to be included in a raffle giveaway, so we’re selling raffle tickets all the proceeds are going to the Art Association.

Carolyn Szymanski- What we wanted to do is celebrate the local Potters as well as expose the other Potters that are in and around Michigan, so we have some coming from Lakeport, Rochester, Clinton Township, Ann Arbor and they’re very well-seasoned Potters. If you scan the work and it was an invitational, so they were chosen. We have Scouts going out and trying to discover new artists, and we celebrate them.

Nicole Kozairz- So this is permanent jewelry this gives you the flexibility of having your jewelry on at all times without having to take it on and off so as soon as you wake up in the morning you can leave the house ready to go um and then this gives you the ability to kind of pick and choose so you can build stacks so as far as like textures different medals you can kind of play with it so instead of just having just one you can have multiple and again, just ready to go.

Karen Rooks- Carolyn, the teacher she would come out and say, Why don’t you um make pottery?, and I said, Well, I’m doing jewelry. She goes well, you can make jewelry out of pottery, so I joined the class. that’s how I started, and I haven’t quit yet um I’m an experimenter. You know, I like to experiment. I like to have design in them, plus I experiment a lot with colors.

Cailin Williams- What a wonderful conclusion to a creative weekend for Thumb Coast TV. I’m Cailin Williams.