Buses in the Blue Water Area are still running, but by Demand-Response, or “Dial-a-Ride”, only. Beginning Tuesday, regular Blue Water Area Transit routes were suspended. The suspension is part of the mandated effort to allow only essential travel and help slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus. Some people rely on the bus to get to their employment at workplaces that are deemed essential, or to pick up food and medicine, and the bus system is still there for them. The hours of operation are 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Riders are asked to enter and exit the bus via the back door and to maintain at least six feet between riders. Bus rides are free at this time. The Downtown Transit Center and the main office of Blue Water Area Transit are closed, but the Dial-a Ride line is being answered. In their statement, the Blue Water Area Transit asks riders to stay home unless they are designated as a critical infrastructure worker or are travelling for essential goods and services. The number for dispatch of the Demand-Response bus is 810-987-7373, Option 2.