Sponsored by: St. Clair County Community College

Research and experience show that 60% of Americans are not prepared for disasters, and the 2018 tornado season has already begun! The average Michigan tornado is on the ground for less than 10 minutes and travels about five miles. Today, St. Clair County, in partnership with Planet Ready, has launched a unique interactive tornado preparedness exercise free of charge to the public and may be completed in 15-20 minutes. Jeff Friedland, Director of St. Clair County Homeland Security & Emergency Management, and Joel Thomas, the founder of Planet Ready, are inviting residents of St. Clair County to participate in in the online exercise to prepare for a tornado. The exercise has been designed specifically for St. Clair County, Michigan residents that will help you and the community effectively prepare for and respond to tornadoes. Residents can now take the course through September 30th at planetready.com/stclaircounty